Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Baby Kirk

Today we had a 3-D/4-D ultrasound.  Baby Kirk was a little camera shy, but we were able to get a few good shots.  He's so cute...can't wait to meet him.  Only a few more months!

Friday, December 16, 2011

This off season is flying by!

We got home late last night from Chris' Travis Mathew photo shoot, followed by a great vacation in Cabo. The vacation was wonderful...very relaxing.  The food was great ( I think that I may have had a few too many churros), and the scenery was gorgeous.  Now, we are back home for just a few days before heading out to celebrate Christmas with our families.  I think we will be home a total of 9 days this month...but I guess I shouldn't be complaining since mid-January I will be at home for a while waiting on this baby boy!
View from our room

Living room

Chris in the pool...

Pool with the view

From our room

By the pool

Capella at night

These dessert pics were mostly for my sister...Quatros Leches Cake and Churros...so good!

The Arch

Sea Lions

Chris diving off of the boat...

Sunset...there are a lot of these pics.  It was too pretty not to just keep snapping away...

We got to see a whale...my camera is very zoomed out, but you can actually see it jump in the distance (and you can tell from everyones reaction).

Last night in Cabo (at dinner)